Spektr Acrygel Azure
Extension with acrygel:
1. Prepare the nail plate. Raise the scales from the nail plate with a buffer, remove dust.
2. Apply Nail Dehydrator and Acid-Free Gel Primer.
3. Apply Base
4. Place the mold under the nail.
5. Increase the required length with the acrygel Clear.
6. Based on the design, level with the same acrygel or another color acrygel (same brand) if desired
7. File the nail surface if necessary.
9. Finish with a Top Coat.
Building with Acrygel:
1. Prepare the nail plate. Raise the scales from the nail plate with a buffer, remove dust.
2. Apply Nail Prep Dehydrator and Acid-Free Gel Primer.
3. Apply Base
4. Level with acrygel Clear or another SPEKTR acrygel/gel
5. File the nail surface if necessary.
6. Top with gel polish if preferred.
7. Finish with a Top Coat.